Problem: Our client is a commercial bread baker, who supplies many local supermarkets and restaurants. With so many variables involved in baking on a commercial level, adjusting the production schedule is a full time job. Since bread baking is a multi-day process (including rising/proofing/baking/packaging) even a small change can have a large effect.
Solution: Oakgrounds Inc created an app where the manager could easily adjust or input a variable - such as an urgent order, broken oven, or product shortage. With the new information - the multi day production schedule of each of the breads being baked that week (ie rye, sourdough, raisin) adjusts. Bot only did the app provide time saving benefits, but it also allowed the manager to try out different scenarios - which assisted in future production planning.
A recipe is input for each type of bread which factors in all variables, including bake time, proofing time... When a change is made to any resource, the schedule is automatically adjusted.
The manager can then "drop" any recipe into the time line. If a conflict is evident, a warning symbol will pop-up. The timeline allows the manager to easily see when a product will be ready for shipment and when additional help or supplies are needed.